Chiropractic and Health Books

Chiropractic Pediatrics: A Clinical Handbook

Chiropractic Pediatrics: A Clinical HandbookChiropractic Pediatrics: A Clinical Handbook

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This evidence-based text relates clinical chiropractic management to pediatrics, with coverage of the key aspects of syndromes most commonly seen by chiropractors working with children. It outlines the essential history-taking, physical assessment, diagnosis and management for each syndrome, while addressing relevant pathology of pediatric conditions. An essential reference source for both chiropractic clinicians and students. Chapters have been radically restructured for the new edition - in line with current research and the models of teaching now being used.

Table of Contents
Chiropractic in the pediatric field. The pediatric history. The pediatric physical examination. Recognizing the seriously ill child. The irritable baby syndrome. Abdominal pain and altered states of bowel motility. Pediatric neurology. Developmental assessment, neuromaturational delay and school learning difficulties. Common infectious diseases of childhood. Common respiratory illness in childhood. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Chiropractic management of common ear, nose and throat disease. The enuretic child. Common orthopedic syndromes in childhood. Autism. Non-accidental injury and child maltreatment. Cancer in children. Allergy, endocrine and metabolic disease in childhood. Rheumatic diseasesin children. Pain assessment and management. Assessment of the chiropractic subluxation in children. Toggle recoil adjusting. Adjusting the cervical spine. Adjusting the thoracic spine. Adjusting the lumbar spine and pelvis. Adjusting children using the Logan Basic system. Assessment and correction of subluxation of the extremities. Cranial treatment of children. Anthropometric percentile charts. Adult head circumference percentiles. Varni/Thompson Pediatric Pain Questionnaires.

Author Information
By Neil J. Davies, DC Cert Clin Chiro Paeds FICC FACC, Chief Executive Officer, Kiro Kids Pty Ltd, Ballarat, Australia; Course Leader, MSc (Paediatrics) Program, McTimoney College of Chiropractic, Abingdon, United Kingdom and Joan Fallon, DC FICCP, Chief Executive Officer, Curemark LLC, Rye, New York, USA

Chiropractic Pediatrics: A Clinical Handbook

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