Chiropractic and Health Books

Ferri's Netter Advisor Desk Display Charts

Ferris Netter Advisor Desk Display ChartsFerri's Netter Advisor Desk Display Charts

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This laminated desktop collection combines 15 body systems charts with 35 patient education charts exquisitely illustrated with highly regarded Netter artwork and text from renowned author Dr. Fred Ferri. Designed to improve and simplify patient education, this set of easy-to-read stand-up flip charts sits conveniently on your desk and makes it easy for your patients to understand their conditions...while highly visual Netter images make the information memorable. Provide those who count on your care with a thorough understanding of their health conditions with the most useful and visually powerful clinician-provided patient education resource available.

Key Features

15 full-color illustrated anatomical charts of body systems and organs give your patients exceptional visual guidance.

35 overviews of health maintenance and common illnesses and injuries help them become informed, active partners in their healthcare management.

A consistent format for every illness chart clearly defines the illness, its causes, risk factors, and symptoms and how it’s diagnosed, treated, and managed.

A laminated surface allows you to write on each chart with dry erase markers

Ferri's Netter Advisor Desk Display Charts

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